Frequently asked questions
Why should I choose Kia Ora Kids home-based childcare for my child?
- With small groups of no more than 4 children our educators are able to provide an environment where each child is valued and their needs are recognised.
- Lower risk of illness compared with childcare centres which means you will have less time off work
- Our educators aim to create an atmosphere that facilitates positive interaction between adults and children by offering a well-planned program that provides for the physical, emotional, intellectual, and social needs of each child.
- You can confidently leave your child knowing that they will be loved and cared for in a home away from home.
- Our children participate in regular playgroups giving them the opportunity to socialize in a larger group setting.
- Free educational trips to the Auckland Museum, Kiwi Valley, Kelly Tarlton, Auckland Zoo, Butterfly Creek, Crystal Mountain and the Tip Top factory……
- We have educators all across the Auckland region.
What does a day at Kia Ora Kids home-based care look like?
- A typical day starts with indoor or outdoor free play on arrival. Your educator will prepare toys and activities for the children to play with after parents have dropped them off.
- Once everyone has arrived they will do some Mat Time where they will sing songs together and talk about the day ahead.
- Singing songs makes for hungry pukus and Mat Time will end around morning tea when the children will have a snack.
- After morning tea the children will do a planned activity that the educator has prepared based on your child’s interests and learning topic of the month.
- Once the children have finished with their activity it’s time for bottles for the little ones and nappy checks before they all settle down and enjoy their lunch.
- After lunch those that need a nap* will sleep in a calm quiet and safe space while those that don’t nap do some quiet play looking at books, colouring etc.
- After a good snooze and some quiet play it’s time for an afternoon snack followed by some more indoor/ outdoor play.
*A day in home-based care is flexible and always changing based on the interests of the children and what they need each day. Your educator will know your child as well as you do and will be able to follow their lead guiding them through each day with love and compassion allowing them to feel safe and secure with all their needs met. *Snack times, naps and nappy changes happen whenever the children need them throughout the day.
What activities will my child do at Kia Ora Kids home-based care?
- Our educators love coming up with interesting educational activities for your child! Your child will do art & crafts, sensory activities such as playdough, sand play; music, singing and dancing, pretend play, nature and beach walks, learn some te Reo Maori and so much more depending on what interests them.
- As well as activities Kia Ora Kids will have the opportunity to go on excursions to The Auckland Museum, Auckland Zoo, Butterly Creek, Crystal Mountain, Kelly Tarlton and much more at no extra cost.
Will my child have somewhere to sleep?
- If your child needs a nap your educator will have a warm, quiet & safe place for them to sleep while in her care. Your educator will follow your sleep schedule the same way that you would if you were at home with your child.
Will my child be able to spend time with our educator before officially starting?
- Once your child has enrolled with your educator and you have chosen your start date you will have the opportunity to book in some “Transition days” with your educator. Your transition day can be as long or as short as you need and your child can have as many transition days as he/she needs to feel settled.
*Transitions days are paid for at a rate decided by your educator and to be organised directly with your educator based on availability.
How do I know my child will be safe in their educator's care?
- All of our educators and anyone aged 17 and over living with them are police vetted.
- Home safety checks following the Ministry of Educations requirements for home-based care are carried out regularly.
- Visiting teachers carry out spot checks and curriculum assessments and our head teacher will make surprise visits to make sure all our educators are meeting the Ministry of Educations requirements.
- Your child’s safety is paramount to us.
I need to go back to work but don't want to leave my children, can I become a home-based educator if I am not a qualified teacher?
- You do not need to be qualified to begin your journey as an educator but you will have to complete the NZ ECE Level 4 online course (free to you if you are legally entitled to work in New Zealand) once you join our service.
- It’s really straight forward to sign up as an educator with Kia Ora Kids and we will guide you through the process from start to finish.
- You must be legally entitled to work in New Zealand
- We will visit you to do a home safety check which is a Ministry of Education requirement. We will be looking to make sure that your home meets the standard for home-based childcare.
- We will also complete a police safety check to make sure there is no risk of harm to children in your care.
What is a Kia Ora Kids Home-based Educator?
- A Kia Ora Kids home-based educator works from home caring for a maximum of four children under the age of five. This ratio includes two children under the age of two and/ or your own children.
- Kia Ora Kids home-based educators are self-employed and contract to Kia Ora Kids at Home Childcare.
- The flexibility of being a home-based educator allows you to work hours that suit you and your family, affording you the opportunity to stay at home with your own children whilst earning an income.
- An educator is paid by the child’s parents for looking after their child/children
- Kia Ora Kids at Home childcare pays the educator childcare subsidies based on the age of the child. This includes ECE subsidies for children aged 3-6.
- There are also great tax incentives for being an educator!
Do I need to be qualified to become a Kia Ora Kids home-based educator?
- Yes- you will need to hold an NZ ECE level 4 certificate. We will provide you with all the training you need to gain an NZ ECE level 4 certificate at no extra cost (provided you are legally entitled to work in New Zealand, conditions apply)
- All our educators will be expected to complete a first-aid course.
- If you are already a registered ECE Teacher you will meet the Ministry of Education’s training requirement to be a home-based educator